Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Reading Workshop Sept 3

Hey Readers! After reading a book of your choice for 15 minutes, give us your response! What do you like about it? Dislike? What do you think will happen next? Do the characters remind you of anyone? Do the themes resemble ones you have encountered before? Fill us in...


Miss Terri said...

Hey, it's Greg Lenzo. Today in class, I read a few pages of "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeline L'engle. I'm sure a few of you have read it. It's one of my favorite books, but it's been years since I've read past the second chapter, so I'm going to borrow it from the library and finally get through the whole thing. Of course, I'm still reading "The Bourne Supremacy", so I'll have to finish that first (which isn't something I regret at all. Seriously, if you liked the movies, read the book!).
Anyways, I read through Mrs. Whatsit's mysterious visit to the Murray family's home in the middle of a nasty storm. By the way, "there IS such thing as a tesseract." Read the book if you want to find out more!

Unknown said...

Hey everybody it's Olivia. I am still reading Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer, like most everyone else. I didn't get very far todya but I love the relationship between Edward and Bella. Even though they are so different and each very unique they have their way of acting like each other. They are inseperable. I have recently started to enjoy reading about Jacob and his thoughts compared to the first three books because now you see a nice side of him and hes not trying to steal Bella from Edward. It is very hard to dislike anything from this book. It always keeps you interest. If you havn't started the series i would suggest it no matter if you're a boy or girl.

Unknown said...

Today i read some of the book called "Where The Red Fern Grows" By Wilson Rawls. So far the book has no names or anything, but i do like the description of the dog in the beginning. The boy seems nice too.....
I'll have to keep reading to give a better description.

Unknown said...

I forgot a book for class today so I started reading Speak off the shelf. Most the 9CP English students had to read it for summer reading so that is why I was interested. So far I like the way the main character (who is also the narrator) describes everything. She is a typical teenager who is worried about her clothes and her friends. She also describes her teachers in a way that a teenager would. She notices that one has a big nose and one has her hair dyed partly bright orange. It is humorous how the book is written. I would like to continue reading this book now.

Unknown said...

Today during the reading workshop I read A book titled The Realm of Possibilities. It is a book abuot high schoolers and it's all written in poem form. This book is really interesting so far. I haven't gotten too far yet though. The book is about different teens in high school and what they go through. It is told through the eyes of four different teens. The book started out told through the eyes of a gay teen. He described about being with his boyfriend and how his boyfriend, Jed, got him to start smoking. I'm not sure if im going to like this book, but I'll keep reading to the end.

Unknown said...

I started reading The Lake of Dead Languages today in class. I didn't get very far, but so far it seems pretty good. The book sort of reminds me of Ordinary People. Many of the girls cut their wrists and one tried to kill herself like Conrad did. The book seems mysterious so far. The main character is a teacher at an all girls school that she used to attend. I don't like how slow the book is getting started. The teacher found a note that she thinks may have been from her journal when she went to the school. Other than that, so far the book has just explained the history of the school and about the girls in her class. The girls all seem to follow the typical clicks in school. One has her hair dyed blueish black is goth, one has bleach blonde hair and is prissy, and one is just an average girl. It reminds me of walking around out school, seeing all the different groups. I can't wait to keep reading and see what happens.

Unknown said...

Hello, this is Lyndsey. I'm reading Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. It's a graphic novel about a girl growing up during the Iranian revolution. At first, it looked as if it'd become a republic. However, the religious leaders took over, and their world was changed to one under Fundamental Islamic rule. The perpetrators of the revolution became the revolution became the enemies of it. Her uncle was killed because of his former affiliation. It also discussed class. Her maid was flirting with a boy and pretended to be her sister. When the boy found out her real class he dumped her. It's a very interesting book.

amanda lin said...

Today in class I read "Life of Pi" from the bookshelf. I've heard about the book before from magazines, etc. I only got a few pages into the book but so far I like it. It starts off kinda of confusing, it starts with Pi the main character reminiscing about the past and talking about what he is doing for his thesis papers. Pi says that sloths his topic for his thesis takes his mind of his pain and makes him feel relaxed. I am interested to know what caused this pain. So far i like the main protagonist Pi is someone you can relate to, i like the way the author describes Pi past. If i do get i chance i might continue reading this book.

Taylor said...

The book I chose to read in class today was called Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult. I found it on the shelf and have not had a chance to get that far into it.
The novel begins by a man walking in the blizzard-like weather. He recently got out of prison and had no home or family to go to.
Since the novel is told in a third person omniscient point of view, a woman named Addie's story is now told. Addie owns a restaurant and was just notified by the police that her father was arrested;he was driving a lawn mower drunk on the main road.
Again I am not far into the novel and I have no idea what will happen next, but I do know that it has kept my attention so far.
Is there anyone who has read this book and know it is worth reading?!

Unknown said...

Hey it's Amanda C
Today I read 10 pages of "Song of the Earth" and it's really good. It says on the back the it's a great compainion for "Song of the Axe" does anyone know if that's it's sequil or not? Anyway, in the first pages the author introduces Grea, who lives with his Indian tribe. He is considered odd and no one befriends him except his mother and his mother's friend River Women's daughters. Then they find out that the mountain the live by isn't really a mountain, it's a volcano. It errupts and the only people who survie is Grea and River Women's daughters. He ends up breaking his arm so the sisters take care of him. They end up somplace across the river and they learn to hunt. So, that's what I read this book is really good. I'm gonna go read some more. Bye!

Emily G said...

Hey, it's Emily. I have been reading "Plain Truth" by Jodi Picoult. It is about an Amish girl who had a baby (two months premature) at 18 out of wedlock. No one knew she was pregnant, she had the baby in the early morning. A few hours later, when the farmhands came and the day fully started, they found the infant dead, smothered in a pile of clothes, and covered in a horse blanket.
Meanwhile, a defense attorney Ellie) who plans on taking a hiatus from her work, goes to her aunt's house. Her aunt used to be Amish, also- she was excommunicated. It happens that her other neice is Katie, the girl with the baby. Ellie is dragged into the case and volunteers to be her public defender and takes responsibility of being with her, watching her, 24/7.
I love seeing how the Amish view certain ideas that other people have as part of their every day life. The Amish take the Bible literally; they have no electronics except those necessary for farming; they say grace and pray before bedtime each day; they wear modest dresses and aprons, or trousers, shirts and suspenders. It is kind of funny to see how Ellie fits into that world. It is a truly fascinating story- if you've ever read Jodi Picoult's books, you know that she switches characters' points of views- you get to see all sides of the story, including some you wouldn't expect. I haven't finished it yet, but I would definately recommend it.

Emily G said...

(Sorry that's so long guys!)

Unknown said...

Today in class, I started reading Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks. I did not realize it was coming out as a movie. Anyways, it's about Adrienne who helps her daughter recover from the loss of her husband. I've only read the first eleven pages, but so far I like how it is mysterious. Adrienne keeps talking about Rodanthe, but I have no idea what that is. I'm pretty sure that in the next chapter I'll find out what Rodanthe is. Amanda (Adrienne's daughter) reminds me of the girl from P.S. I Love You because her husband dies and she becomes depressed for a very long time. From seeing the commercials for the movie, I had no interest in going to see it, but I like the book so far.

Unknown said...

The book that I read today was Plague Maker. I didn't get too far in it but i got some information. So far its about a disease in another country that is killing pig farmers. The U.S. sends over some agents to transport a living virus of the disease to study.They soon find out that there is a home bomb on the plane probably designed to spread the disease. The story is told by one of the agents who is transporting the disease. I think it is a good book so far because it gets into the action of the story right at the beginning and it keeps coming. That is why i liked the book i read today in class.

Unknown said...

I forgot my book today in class so I started reading The Things They Carried. I only got to read the first 10 pages and so far it's really good! I can tell it is written during a time of war, however, I do not know which war. I like the narroratio of of the book. So far one character has died. The Captain of the group of men is deeply in love with a woman back home and we hear about her constantly. Im looking forward to reading more into the book!....Hopefully soon!

Unknown said...

Hey everyone it's Megan. Today in class I read the first two chapters of Among the Imposters, the sequal to Among the Hidden by Margret Peterson Haddix. The main character in the story, Luke, has just been assigned to a private school after a life of secrecy because he is an illegal third child. One thing about this book I find interesting is the Government has outlawed junk food because there is not enough for everyone! Also no one is allowed to have pets because the Government says they are eating too much food. Creepy huh? Thats why the families in the book can only have three children, because the government believes there's not enough food to feed everyone. If you want to find out more check out the book!

Unknown said...

Like many others, I read some of Breaking Dawn today. I'm only on chapter three, so please don't give anything away to me! I love surprises. I was getting frustrated with Bella's behavior, but finally, toward the end of the chapter that I read, she finally began to act in a less irritating way. I was getting pretty annoyed at how she was so against marriages.
I've heard good things and bad things about how people felt about this book. We'll have to see what I think of it! So far, it's good, but Bella is really starting to annoy me. She has everything and is disgusted at it. Which, I guess I could understand, but still. Does she have to be so rude about it?
Great series!

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am reading "The Dead and the Gone" by Susan Beth Pfeffer. It's strange because the author wrote "Life as we Knew It" also and it's almost exactly the same except for the characters! I don't see how she could get away with publishing almost the same book twice even though "Life as we Knew It" was excellent, I don't like this one as much. It is about how a comet hits the moon and knocks the orbit closer to earth. Everyone starts freaking out and goes into panic trying to survive without electricty, phone, and on a limited supply of food and water. I think the theme is very interested but I don't know if I will continue ready this book since it's almost exactly the same as "Life as we Knew It".

Peace =]

Tara said...

I read Salem Falls and really liked it. It has some elements of witchcraft (as suggested by the title) and has a good twist at the end. I think you will like it. Let me know if you continue reading...

Unknown said...

Hey it's Stephanie. In class today I started reading the book "ironman". It was actually a very confusing book to begin with. This kid ,who I would guess is about a junior in highschool, wrote a letter to Larry King. He wrote to him telling him everything about his life. An example is of how his teacher dislikes him. That is all i'll tell you becasue i don't want to spoil it. I think that later on in the story the kid ( i'm not sure of his name) will meet Larry King or go on his show. I think the kid is very fond of Larry. I actually didnt really like this book I thought it was kind of boring and it was very confusing. But hopefully i will remember to bring my book next time!

Unknown said...

Hey, this is Christa. I just started the book "His Hometown Girl" and am not that far in it but so far it seems really good. On the cover it said that this book was a "heatwarming, inspirational romance" and i was in the mood for a good love story so I decided to read it. So far it's about a girl who works in a coffee shop that she owns. She and her sister (that died 3 years ago) opened it together and she's missing her dreadfully. Karen (the main charcter)is very short on cash right now, is having a hard time with buisness, and just broke off her engagment a month before the marriage date. I can also already tell that one of her long time friends from kindergarten (Zach) likes her, alot, but Karen doesn't know. I think she may like him deep down inside too, just by the way she talks about him, but I don't know yet. So far I like how the book is written because the beginning isn't slow starting and everything's pretty easy to understand so far. The author is also very descripitive and detailed in her writing which makes it interesting to read because you get a mental image of what's happening in the book. An example sentence is "Dawn painted the eastern skies with bold strokes of crimson and gold, and larksong merrily drifted on the temperate breeze." I can't wait to keep reading!

Unknown said...

Hey, its Lea Smith. I am reading "Forever. . ." by Judy Blume. I love Judy Blume books. I rad them alot when I was younger. So far all i know is the main charecter is Katherine and she has just gotten a boyfriend, Michael. I can't yet tell if I like Katherine or Michael. Based on the author's note before the begining of the story and soem of the description, i have a feeling this book is going to be centered around safe sex and knowing about it.

Unknown said...

Hey every body it's Maria! In the little time we had in class today I started to reading "Long After Midnight" by Iris Johanson. The beginning seems pretty interesting and moves faster then most books I've read. Kate seems engrossed in her work and likes her life the way it is but her way of living is threatened when a famous scientist wants her help in finishing a medical drug. If you read the back it goes on to tell you she becomes a target and is forced on the run with her family. The descriptions and style of writing are excellant and I can't wait to see what happens next!

amanda lin said...

The book you read sounds really cool. The way the author splits the perceptives i think would be a really intreasting to see through the four students.

I read Speak last summer, and i thought it was ok. In my opinion i didn't really like the main character

Unknown said...

Your book sounds intersting because it is written in poem form. It reminds me of a book I read called Crank. It was also written in poems.

I love those books and especially the last one. I also liked the part when it is in Jacob's perspective.

I read those books a long time ago. I actually kind of forgot about them, but I love them. I remember there is a lot of sequals but I forget all of them.

Unknown said...

I started to read Speak several times. Everytime I began to read it I would lose the page I was on or I would just lose the book. I've always wanted to read Speak but i just got sick of reading the same thing over again. Maybe some day I'll find the book and continue reading it (hopefully forgetting what it was about).

Amanda Lin,
I've heard about that book in many magazines and I think a lot of people have read it also. I think it sounds very interesting. I've never heard of someone named Pi. Pi makes me think of math class. Maybe i'll read it some time

Unknown said...

Allen, you were explaining that book to me a little today, it sounds pretty interesting...

Stephanie, the book you are describing is something i'd like to read, i like it when authors add real people to a novel

Unknown said...

The Lake of Dead languages sounds really good! it reminds me of our school too. Walking through the halls here you see people of all types. This book sounds really good and I think I mayu have to read it! Im excited to get it and start reading.

Nights in Rodanthe sounds amazing! the man that wrote the Notebook also wrote this book and the Notebook was very good so I would expect this book to be really good too! I want to read this book so that i can go see the movie when it comes out this fall sometime soon!

Unknown said...

Haley I think the book that you are reading sounds very interesting. I used to read a lot of mystery books so it would be very interesting to read that one. Also I like to read books with weird characters like that one girl. That is why i would enjoy reading that book.

Emily G said...

Greg- I loved A Wrinkle in Time! We read it in 5th grade, so I probably need to read it again also, but it was really neat!
Olivia- I'm glad you like Jake better in Breaking Dawn- a lot of people I've talked to would rather not have his part in the book (also, a lot of people I know hate him, and he's one of my favorites!)
Brian- Where The Red Fern Grows is one of my favorite books, ever!
Megan-I've heard a lot about the Among the Hidden books and I've heard they're great, but I don't really know what they're about, so I'm not really interested. Any cance you (or anyone, really0 could tell me?

Unknown said...

Christie i also think your book sounds interesting. I think books that happen in a time of war are more interesting because there is more going on a round the main characters that affect their lives. Also, there are usually some exciting parts in those kinds of books.

Audrey said...

My blog didnt send yesterday so Mrs. Stallman just told me to write it today. In class yesterday i read a little more of "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer. Then when i came home yesterday i read the rest. It got that intence! These books are about Bella and Edward and their relationship together. I dont want to give too much away that way if someone still wants to read it i didnt give anything away.

Emily: your book sounds pretty good i think i might want to read it

Megan: Ive read the first book in that series. I really liked.

Unknown said...

It's Amanda.
That sounds like an interesting book. So is the main charictor a scientist too? I wonder if they'll get caught.

Alot of people have read A Wrinkle in Time. I was thinking about reading it. Is it like the movie? (Usualy movies mess up everything.)

Unknown said...

I read Speak last year, and i liked it. The story was very relatable, but the main character knid of got on my nerves. I really liked it though!

The Lake of Dead Languages sounds really good. I was going to read it for reading workshop, but you took it right when I saw it! The book sounds kind of depressing, but the different cliques definitely reminds me of our school. I may have to read it sometime!

Taylor said...

Hi everyone :]

Sam: I read Speak in eighth grade and liked it but at times I got a little bored due to the lack of action in the story. (The same kind of boredom I got reading Catcher In the Rye)

Greg: I read A Wrinkle In Time in fifth grade like emily. (We were in the same class) I really enjoyed it. We read it just before the movie aired on T.V. so we watched it in class.

Emily: As you probably already read, I'm reading a novel by Jodi Picoult too. I've heard from numerous people that she is an amazing author. My Sister's Keeper is on my list to read.

Mrs. Stallman: Yes the book is good so far. I'll probably end up loaning it from the library so I can spend some time reading it at home.

Unknown said...

Hey guys, it's Megan

Sam, I read Speak last year. I thought it was ok, they plot was very interesting though.

Olivia- I have already finished Breaking Dawn! I am not ashamed to say that I am a book worm, I read it in less then two days! I love that Edward and Bella are both so unique but are perfect for eachother. Trust me, it only gets better, seems impossible huh? You will be even more addicted to the series after you're done reading!

Anonymous said...

LeAnn, I know exactly what you mean. Bella has the world and yet she's very ungrateful. First, she got to chose from an amazing vampire and an awesome werewolf. Then she torments poor Edward with her feelings for Jacob.

Corrine, I really love The Realm of Possibilities. It's a little difficult to get into at first but I think how the story is told is very unique and interesting. The author of that book has also written other very excellent books. I can't think of the title of the other book I like of his at the moment but, I'm sure I'll remember when I don't need to.

Peace =]

Unknown said...

Sam, I can't believe that you never read speak before! I read it for the first time last year. It was good. I felt bad for her because she was so depressed all the time.

Greg, A Wrinkle in Time was a really good book. I loved it! It's so different and the movie is awesome! I remember watching it on t.v. when I was in fifth grade! I bet you'll like that book!

Unknown said...

Sam- I also read the book Speak. I would suggest you keep reading if you liked the beginning. It just keeps getting better. If you like teen books then you should really like Speak.

Haley- I have a hard time reading books if they start off slow but by your description I think it might be a good book. I really liked Ordinary People so I might have to read The Lake of Dead Languages.

Unknown said...

Megan - I read that book! I thought that series was really good. The only thing that bugs me is they switch main characters half way through the series, which pretty much turned me off. I was getting really attached to Luke and his point of view.

Greg - Is the book better than the movie? Probably is, but I think I liked the movie. (Been a while!) I should read that book since it's such a classic.

Unknown said...

Brian- Ive gotten recomendations for that book from multiple people. I hear it is a very asd story but very moving. A lot of people that don't enjoy reading all to well told me they loved that book. I think I'm going to read it next.

Sam- I read Speak last year for reading workshop. I thought the beginning was sort of funny too. Keep reading, there are lots of twists you don't see coming.

Taylor- I think i have heard of the book but never anything about it. It doesn't sound too thrilling. When i find a book like that i skip a couple pages and keep reading.

Unknown said...

Lyndsey again.

Greg: I had to read that book in 5th grade. I really liked it. We saw the movie version of it, but it was quite badly put together. It was a disappointment.

Corrine: I've been reading that off and on. I like how the stories are told through poetry. I also like how the book tells so many different stories. It really takes just about every perspective you can get out of a school.

Unknown said...

Megan- "Among the Imposter" sounds great!! As you explained it, the book sounds like a crazy story, with nothing that's been written like it before. I wonder if this has actually happened somewhere in like a third world country or something. I didn't think that the government was allowed to ban junk food and pets. I really want to read this book now, I'm interested!

"Nights in Rodanthe" sounds like it's going to be good. I would like to read a book about a woman who's lost her husband to see what it is like because I've heard it is very hard. I also really want to see what "rodanthe" is too. Hope the book turns out good! If you keep reading it, keep us posted.

Taylor- It seems to me like you pick really good books to read. This book- "Salem Falls" sounds intersting. I like to read story's about people who have been in prison, done drugs, are alcoholics, or commited a huge crime, etc., just because I think it makes a story so intersting to read. It sounds crazy that a guy had been arrested for driving a lawn mower drunk. The point of view that it's written in also seems cool since books are usually written in first person point of view. Hope the book is good, I'd like to read it sometime!

Unknown said...

Megan, I loved those books. I got really into them two years ago but haven't really read them since. I know I thought the first couple books were intriguing and reminded me of The Bar Code tattoo and the Unglies triligy and how the government tries to regulate the lives of millions to their own benefit but fail in the attempt. It really makes you think about ou own government and the power we give people by our ignorence.
Christa, I've never heard of that book before but it sounds really interesting. I love the description you posted and will look the book up the next chance I get!

amanda lin said...

Today i started reading Peaches. The main character in chapter 1 is Murphy is 16 which is only a year older than me. So she reminds me of some of the girls in school she is bored, hang out with lots of boys, and gets in trouble a lot. Within 1 chapters she got caught breaking and entering a house. The book follows i think 3 girls the second girls name is Leeda and she starts narrating in chapter 2. The story pretty much so far Murphy a troublesome bored girl, and Leeda who is overlooked by her parents in favor of her perfect older sister. The Theme of adolescents is something that lots of stories are based on like in the book Secret it had this type of setting and theme.