Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jan 7 - Leaders

What kinds of characters do you feel make the best leaders?


Anonymous said...

A strong character with a compassionate heart makes a good leader....Or does it. I dont hink it is fair to say who i think is a good leader. They have to just show me when it comes time. You never know who will be a good leader.

Emily G said...

I think a strong, respectable, charismatic character who helps his followers in times of trouble and tries to give each of them some of his time is one who would be a great leader. They also need the ability to make decisions quickly in a pinch and make solid decisions when the time can be taken to think every aspect through and to not second guess themself too much. (I do kind of agree with Brian in that I think that very surprising people could be leaders, even if they didn't have those traits. It's true that you really can't judge who will be a good leader before they show you.)

Unknown said...

In my opinion a strong character is willing to defend their friends and stand up for what they believe in. A strong character can't be afraid to be different. They will put all their effort into a project and not give up. They are ready to go above and beyond. A strong character also has to ahve an open mind. Anyone can have a strong character they just could be different types of a strong character.

Unknown said...

A character would have to be strong, intelligent, and winsome (vocab!) to be a good leader. They need to be calm and sensible as well so that they can make smart decisions. They would have to be strong so that they could stand their ground next to others who may want to overthrow them. They would need a significant amount of intelligence so they could come to clear conclusions without messing everything up, and they would have to be charming so that their people would respect and like them. Unfortunately, most people who rise to power on their own do not have some of the traits, but nobody's prefect.

Taylor said...

The best leaders care passionately about the interests of their followers. They listen to what is said and do what needs to be done. They of course must be respected, courageous, and wise. They also should be compassionate about their job. Strength is another helpful characteristic, but not only is physical strength important but mental strength is important as well.

Unknown said...

I think that a strong leader is someone who can make right, quick decision. They also have to be somewhat smart in order to keep everyone safe. I also think he/she need to be brave in order to set an example for their followers. The leader needs to be respectable so that his/her followers can trust and look up to their leader. Sometimes someone can rise up in a time of need and become a great leader even if they do not posses these characteristics.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Calvin
I think a strong learder has good people skills. They have to be leval headed in time of trouble. They have to be able to make others believe in him/her. They have to be able to make plans and fallow them.

Unknown said...

I think that anyone can be their own leader. If a person is strong and willing they may be an excellent leader. Many people im sure have their own opinion of leaders. Being a leader isn't always about taking charge of the group. That is just an example of one of the many leadrs. Leaders are strong, caring, considerate, bossy in a good kinda way, and they must know exactly what they are doing and exactly why.

Anonymous said...

I think that a good leader would do what is best for his followers. A leader should be able to make important decisions and also be ready on a dime to make a quick decision. The leader should be someone who is liked by all of his friends so that there wouldn't be too many arguments. I think they also should listen to their friends' opinons in most decisions and what they think of the ituation.

Unknown said...

I don't think there are any leaders that are the right leader. As long as someone is willing to prove themselves worthy and strong, I think that they can be a leader. Some of the main characteristics seen in most leaders are strong, compassionate, respectable, and brave. Anyone can prove themselves aleader no matter how small, shy, or unoutgoing they may be, they can rise to teh challenge to be considered a leader, even if just of a group of 3 people. A leader is someone who is looked up to and praised for there work.

Unknown said...

I think the character of a good leader depends on the situation they are in. Personally, I believe the character of a good leader would be a physically and mentally strong individual that did what was best for the group as a whole, even if that entailed putting others safty before their own. Personally I agree with Brain and Emily, thay would have to prove to me that they could, and anyone has the potential to be a good leader if thay look within themselves.

Unknown said...

I think that there are many different variables to evaluate someone on as being a good leader or not. It depends on the situation, the number of people, the time of the needed leadership, the different ypes of people looking up to that leader and much more. I think that some basic characterisitcs that most people would agree on in my opinion of a good leader would be responsible, outgoing, a good listener, and respectful. The person is usually a trusting person that alot of people can look up to and use as their role model. It's very difficult to put restraints or a definiton on a good leader because I'm sure for everyone it varies but that is what my standard thoughts on a good leader's character is.

Unknown said...

Good leaders are the ones that no one expects to be a good leader because they have to prove that they are a strong leader. I think good leaders come from the under dogs and the characters no one expects to emerge. I think they are the ones that aren't physically better than any other character.

Anonymous said...

I think a good leader is someone who doesn't thrust themselves into that position. A good leader isn't the one who should always make every decision. A leader who knows how to listen is very important. a calm, strong, and responsible character is needed to be a good leader. Someone who can keep calm and not make rash decision. A leader who is confident and strong but not egotistical and full of too much pride. And important aspect is also charisma, the ability to get other people to follow you.

Unknown said...

A good leader takes into consideration the feelings of his followers in every decision that he or she makes. A good leader should be brave, selfless, respectful, humble, and caring. Equanimity is a valuable trait in a leader. He or she should also look at the followers as equal to the leader, not as inferiors that need pushed around. This makes a character a good leader.

Linda's Kitchen said...

I think a a bold and predominate character with the brains to strategies and the willingness to listen would make a good leader. they should take a situation and look at the solution from a million different directions and never be afraid to ask for help. Although many characters can be become leaders in a book as long as his company will follow him and he has the guts to follow through with the journey! The surprise in finding out is all part of the fun in reading the book so I can't really judge the character and pin point the personality until the very end!

Unknown said...

I think that intellectual characters make the best leaders. They are the kind of people who sit back and look at problems more care before they take action. Also, they can manipulate the people working for them instead of aggressively taking the problem into their own hands.

Anonymous said...

A good leader has to be good under pressure, respectable, and most importantly as unbiased as possible. Personal biases that work against the liberties of others may be harmful to a group that lives under them. They also should be willing to do anything they ask of their followers. A coward who puts other on the chopping block before himself is no good. Charisma is also a good quality, as it helps to get your point across and make people understand your decisions.

Unknown said...

i think a good leader is someone who is mentally strong. I also think it is someone who is able to make decissions who will help the greater population. thi person is kind and caring. i think this person would be able to make smart decissions in a short amount of time.

Audrey said...

The best kinds of characters that make good leaders are people that put themselves second. They are willing to help anyone and do what it takes. They don’t only help you but they do it in a kind way. A good leader is strong mentally especially in times when they feel there is not hope. I agree with Brian and Emily about people you would never think to be a good leader can be. I think that you do need to give everyone a chance to show that they can be a good leader even if they don’t have those qualities.

Anonymous said...

A good leader is able to be firm and unwavering in resolve, while also being open to advice from others. A good leader should have integrity and strong moral character. A good leader should be encouraging and uplifting to his or her followers. Also, a good leader makes it known that each member of the group is valued and important, taking time to develop personal relationships with each follower.