Monday, November 10, 2008

Transcendentalism Nov 10

Respond to anything we discussed today regarding Transcendentalism: the premises, the hypothetical quotes, the actual essays. Use sentence pattern #7 at least once and label. Remember that the pattern required a PAIR or SERIES of dependent clauses. Use commas with series but not with the pair (only after the clause).


Unknown said...

#7 Since there is romanticism and since there is American belief the major concept of Transcedentalism is being one with nature and believing God is inside you and is inside everyone. I think it is interesting that you are one with nature. I think it would be very hard to start living without technology if you had already been used to living with it. I think if you did not grow up with technology then maybe it would be easier becasue you would know how to survive. I agree with the quote "If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore." I still go out and look at the stars at inight but i do take them for granted. They are so beautiful and i think it would be wierd to go a day without them. I think i should learn to appreciate what i get to see more than i do now. One thing that amazes me is how the leaves change color. Not all of the world gets to see this. I love where i live because I get to experience it.

Unknown said...

It's Amanda C

#7 Since there you have to be one with nature and beliefe in god i thinik living a transcendentalist life would be strange. I think if I would be taken away from technologie and have to be one with nature I would freak. I would definatly get iritated with having to do everything on my own. Mostly because I have been conditioned to rely on technologies such as the phone, oven, internet, and the fridge. The qoute with the stars really interesed me. Tonight i think i'll look up at the stars.

Unknown said...

I actullay think trancendentalism is very interesting. (Sentence Pattern # 7 coming up) Since we are one with nature and since god is within us, we believe in trancendentalism. An example that was toght of in class today was very interesting. The topic was if you went to church or not, and if so do you think when you are older you will still go to that church. Almost everyong said they would. The reason is because it is tradition. Not many people want to break tradition or have no need to. I can think of many ideas or traditions that i wouldn't break such as olivia said technology, also what school system i go to , or who my friends are. I actually find transcendentalim very interesting.

Unknown said...

SP #7 As a result of Americsn belief and as s result of romanticism the idea of transcendentalism formed.Being one with nature was also a very dominating concept. Transcendentalism is a very interesting concept and is still intact in today's society. The example about church, like Stephanie mentioned. We wouldnt go to a different chiurch for the sake of breaking tradtion. It would be almost weird to switch churches after being brought up in that church.

Unknown said...

For the quote, "To be great is to be (blank)" I said God-like. (SP 7) Because transcendentalists believe they have a union with God and since they think that man is inherently good, I think that they would beleive that someone who is great is like God.I think it is strange that they do not believe in organized religion, yet they still believe in the same God. The one thing I still wonder is, are there still transcendentalists today?

Unknown said...

I think that the concept of transcendentalism is very interesting. (#7)Since they believe that people are inherently good and since they believe that the individual is the center of the universe, it is very different from our traditions. I really liked the quote about the stars in class. It said how we take amazing events in our world for granted. The stars are brilliant and beautiful and we never even think of it when we look up. Since we see them everyday and since we know they will be there tomorrow, it doesn't even cross our mind. I think i will enjoy any stories we read about transcendentalism.

Unknown said...

Transcendentalism to me was a very interesting topic in class today. I really enjoyed talking about it. Since it suggests that we are inherently good and since it suggests that we are one with God, the topic half contradicts my own religion. I am Catholic, and we beleive that man is inherently evil and htat we are one with God (SP 7). So transcendentalism is a very interesting topic to me because of this. The quote about the stars made me think a lot. If the stars were to just disapear and not come back for a thousand years, I would miss seeing them every night. They no longer fascinate me like they used to, but I still think they are cool. But if they were gone all of the sudden, it would be sad not looking up and seeing those twinkling wonders in the sky. Transcendentalism has made me appreciate my life and the nature around me more. Just thinking about if the stars or flowers or trees were gone one day, makes me think about how much i would miss seeing them.

Anonymous said...

[7]Since I would have to be away from my technology and since I detest bugs and wilderness filth, I highly doubt I would make a good transcendentalist. While I have an appreciation for some tings in nature, I really don't see my apple as an extension of God or anything. While I am interested in the teaching against organized religion, for the most part I can not relate the the believe system they have. It's not making me go be a vagabond it the woods, at least.

Anonymous said...

(7) After hearing about transcendentalism and its fascinating history, i've become quite interested. I like how it desribes god as being in you and being one with you. It, in my opinion, is kind of a cool religion/cult/opinion. What i didn't like though is how everybody was supposed to come up with the same answer for a question. I find that to be a thief of natural human personality.

Unknown said...

#7 Since there isn't organization and since it involves much singular living, I don't like the idea of trascendentalism much. I favor organization in my life and i don't care for religion. I think appreciation of nature is a good thing but i don't believe that each piece of nature is symbolic. I do agree taht people are inherently good though. I do think that society and the way we are taught is what makes us make bad decisions.

Audrey said...

I found Transcendentalism to be an interesting topic. There would some good points that they pointed out. A good example was about the stars in the sky. (SP#7) Since we see them every night and since we know they will always be there, we don't appreciate the stars the way we should. They said if the stars would show up one night in 1000 years more people would watch the stars. I agree with this. I think that people don’t appreciate the stars maybe the way they should.

Tara said...

Since I have read all of these quotes and since I am sick and tired of reading the SAME subordinate conjunction, can someone PLEASE choose a different one??? Because I am a great teacher and because I am great confidence in my students, I am SURE someone will fill this request! I love you guys!!!

Emily G said...

I was kind of confused by the quote "The mass men lead lives of quiet ___." At first, thinking of only the individual, I had chosen "contemplation" to fill in the blank. However, since it said "mass men," I figured it must mean men in general, as part of society. Since according to transcendentalism, society is ignorant of nature and people take things for granted, I filled in the blank with "ignorance" instead. I think it is "quiet" ignorance because people don't really intend to take things for granted, it is just that we were brought up being used to the small things we never notice now, such as the stars (I never looked up the quote so I still don't actually know what's right). It makes me think of how little kids are facsinated by everything and ask questions about stuff that seems so normal or obvious to us, being older. (#7)I think that everyone should slow down their busy lives of society and that they should take more time out of their day to appreciate nature, as transcendentalism says.

Unknown said...

I agree with many Transcendentalism beliefs with a more agnostic view. For example, I do believe that man is inherently good without the corruption of materialism instilled in us because of society. I also place a lot of value in idividualism and the uniqueness inside of each living thing. I am highly opposed to imitation and not being yourself. It's easy to be someone else, but hard to achieve it correctly. And in the end, you just become a "phony" (a thanks to the vast vocabulary of Holden Caulfield).
[7] Because I do not place a lot of stress on religion and because I believe that divinity is more of an external existance than an internal existance, I do not think that divinity lies within man. Yet, I do believe that one can find peace in God within oneself and find truth within oneself. Therefore, I do believe that solitude (so opposed in Brave New World) is beneficial. I also do not think that everything is a flawed image of what God intended it to be. I don't think our world is perfect, but I think that God intended it to be that way. Therefore, I almost completely agree with Transcendentalists, but with a few minor tweaks.

Unknown said...

Transcendentalism is interesting to contenplate. We have always based our way of living on society and the trends that occure through the ages. Technology has grown into every aspect of our living to make it faster and easier. With trascendentalism it reverts back to the very bases of our beginning and forces an individual to look deeper within themselves. #7 Since all people are naturaly good and since everyone is a part of god people should come up with one definate answer. But we never take the time to. In this world society would not be need because peace and agreement would be dominate. But how could you be an individual yet have the same monatoned answer for everything. Couldn't what you believe in set you off from different people. It would be interesting to see if this practice became dominate in the world if our way of living would become similar to that of Bernard's world.

Unknown said...

Transcendentalism is a very interesting topic for me. I really didn't remember much from the topic last year so it was good to review. I think it's very different how they think that men are originally good while most people (who are Christians) believe that men are originally evil. This is the theory that I believe in because I am Christian so it is interesting to learn about the opposite side of things and how these ideas differ. I have also thought about the fact of people taking things for granted on an everyday basis. People should appreciate their lives and things that they have in them while most people do not. This is a part of transcendentalism that I agree with and think is a good moral to live by. I also think that it is good that these people want to be nature based and believe that God is within them. I think that if the majority of the world believed like this we would wouldnt depend on technology as much. (#7) Since transcendentalaism is very different with unique ideas, I am interested to keep learning about this topic and see how it effects a person and gets used in peoples' lives.

Unknown said...

Transcendentalism to me is very hard to understand. The idea came from great thinkers and had many good ideas, it still is difficult to understand(sentence pattern 7). All of their ideas like living with nature is uncommon and strange to me but it has many good values. For example if u live with nature you learn to appreciate it more which is a plus. The idea of believing that God is inside you isn't that strange compared to some of the other ideas because it is just another form of religion. That is pretty much all I have to say about Transcendentalism.

Taylor said...

I really like the theory about becoming one with nature. Since society is corrupting our innocence and since nature is less important than what it should be in our lives, we need to make enjoying the world's beauty a priority.(#7)I do admit that I take nature for granted. Even the littlest objects and actions in the world are worth my time. For example, the stars, sunsets, and leaves are fascinating. The quote, "If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore?" is so true. If people knew that the stars would only shine once every thousand years, everyone would look. Since they appear most nights, people don't pay that much attention to them and do not even notice them. To be honest, I am one of those people.

Unknown said...

(#7)Since i was absent friday and sinece I missed the discussion on trascendetalism i reviewed everybodies blogs and created my own views on the subject. I agree with Olivia, growing up without technonlgy would be a good thing in a way because you would know how to survive. I think the quote about the stars is very intruiging and I have been taking the stars for granted, I'll look at them tonight.(#7)Since I love nature and since I believe God is inside everyone including myself, I would be a good transcendentalist. I would have to get over my addiction to the phone though!