Monday, November 24, 2008

Response to Tran Quote

Please respond to a quote that your group did not discuss.


Unknown said...

"Good and bad are but names very readily transferable...only right is what is after my constitution, the only wrong is what is against it... I am ashamed to think how easily we capitualate to... large societies and dead institutions"
This quote shows the transcendentalist idea of all knowledge begins with self knowledge. It is saying that you have the knowledge to decide what is truly right and wrong. It is not so much that you can go and do anything you want, but that God is inside of you and you know the right thing to do. This shows their belief that every human is born inherently good and wants to make the right choice. Also, the end of the quote shows how they do not believe in following traditions. You should be your own individual person and not be corrupted by society.

Anonymous said...

"A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes..." 515
This qoute is based on the princle that all knowledge begins with self-knowledge. It states that usually the individual who has divinioty within him is correct. He is inherently good. But he questions himself because of socety. Which corrupts the indvidual. I agree that many people questions themselves, or change their beliefs. To fit into soceity.

Unknown said...

"Envy is ignorance. Imitation is suicide."
This quote is very real to me. It seems to make sense. envy IS ignorance. You cannot ignore what you want to be. If you imitate someone else, that is going to be detrimental to yourself. An example would be if i wanted to be like the most popular personin the school. This is "suicidal" becasue that is not who im soupposed to be. I'm soupossd to be my own person.

Unknown said...

Amanda Calvin
"envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide." This qoute shows the transcendentalsit idea of self-relization. 'envy is ignorance' means that when your envying others then you're losing sight of what you think and how you feel. 'imitation is suicide' means that when you imitate other people then you lose what makes you, you. In this sence you are killing what makes you, you. And killing yourself, suicide.

Unknown said...

"Envy is ignorance. Imitation is suicide. Envy would be someones jealousy to another person. They would be ignorant because they are failing to see what they have and how good it really is in the right perspective. Imitation is suicide could be referring too the fact that if you do what others do u destroy the ability to make your own decisions and become less of an individual. That is what I got out of hearing that quote.

Unknown said...

"There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide" 516. This quote represents the Transcendentalist premise of self-realization. The individual is great, and trying to be like someone else will diminish the greatness, therefore, imitation is suicide of your own thoughts. If you are trying to be like someone else because you are jealous of them, you are ignorant. You are ignorant because trying to be someone else shows that you do not know yourself. You have to be one with society, but also one with yourself.

Anonymous said...

"Envy is ignorance. Imitation is suicide." This makes a lot of sense to me, in that SO MANY people do what they think is "right" or "acceptable" based upon what they're told by the majority. What the quote is saying is that by accepting everything you see without testing it and forming your own beliefs, you are, in a way, killing your individuality. I have accepted things that I have heard, but only after reinforcing those things with experiences and investigations of my own.

Anonymous said...

Btw, i didn't mean to be hypocritical by posting a comment about a quote that everyone else, pretty much, has used. It was just the one that I liked the most!

Unknown said...

"Envy is ignorance. Imitation is suicide". This quote, unlike the rest we read today, actually made sense to me. Envy is indeed ignorance. IF you want to be like somone else or if you want to be something else, you cant ignore that. If you want to be someone else or like something else, you are commiting suicide. This is so because you were supposed to be your own indivual and unque self.

Unknown said...

I am responding to my favorite quote. "A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes..." This quote state that all men are inherently good, and that they are right if they have divinity within them. But they will question themselves if society doesn't have the same views, which ultimately corrupts the individual.This is based on the principle that knowlege begins with self knowlege.

Anonymous said...

"Envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide." I know that many people did use this quote, although I do like it. When you envy something, you ignore what you had before. You want something more than you already have so you forget about it. Also, imitation is like becoming someone that you aren't. You will act like another person and lose who you used to be. Which is almost like suicide because you lose touch with your old self.

Anonymous said...

"Good and bad are but namesvery readily tranferable." Indeed this is true. Laws I think are just, you may think are wicked and vice versa. You discover these believes within yourself and it rings of the theory that all knowledge begins in self-knowledge.

Unknown said...

"These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow... Society everywhere is in conspiracy..."
The Premises this quote falls under is all knowledge begins with self knowledge because it is talking about society being corrupted so i guess it could fall under the individual is the spiritual center of the universe as well. This says we are born pure, which means we are naturally good, but as we grow up we are afraid to speak our minds and act as we believe. We worry to much on what other people think.

Audrey said...

"Envy is ignorance. Imitation is suicide." I know a lot of people have done this quote but i like it and im sure as did everyone else! I believe that what they are saying is true. You shouldn’t envy others because it shouldn't matter what others have that you don’t. You’re being ignorant if that kind of thing bothers you. You should be happy with who you are and what you have. Imitating someone really is like killing yourself because then you’re not being you. People really shouldn’t worry about what others will think of themselves because you can't change who you are!

Emily G said...

"Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my consitution, the only wrong what is against it... I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions." (517)
I thought this quote reflected the basic premesis that all knowledge begins with self knowledge. It's saying that the individual judges what is right and what is wrong based on their own principles and beliefs, not that of society. In the latter part, it is saying that it is disgraceful when one follows the knowledge of others and conforms themself to a stereotype of society.

Unknown said...

"There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide."
Like Greg said, I am not picking this because everyone else is. I just think this wuote has a lot of meaning to it. The basic premise this quote is based off of is that all knowledge begins with self knowledge and also self realization. I think this wuote is very true because I believe that there is a time in everyones life when they will realize that envy of others is simply ignoring what your soul and mind are telling you to do. "imitation is suicide" suggests that when you act as another or go with the flow of society, you are basically killing yourself, in the sense that your soul and individuality is inherently gone.

Unknown said...

Well, I was going to use the envy/imitation quote, but seeing as that would be imitating everyone else, I switched quotes! I still liked this one, so it worked out. =]

"Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution, the only wrong is what is against it."

This quote is almost ironic. At first glance, you may think, Well, that's an awfully closed-minded and conceited thing to say. Why would Transcendentalists teach that? But, if you look deeper into it, there's more than just something that an inflated ego would base itself off of. Transcendentalism teaches that one can find the truth within oneself. Therefore, if you stand for something you believe in, or a truth that you found from within your individual being while in a state when you are one with God, you can and should stand for the truth that you conceived. This is based off of two basic Transcendentalist premises, one being that all knowledge begins with self knowledge. Transcendentalism teaches that you can find the truth within yourself. Self realization, the second premise, reminds you have you should stand for this truth, even when the flow of society is against you. You should always keep in mind the delicate balance between being an individual and being one with society.

Unknown said...

"Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right...." (page 517). I thought this quote which we talekd about today in class was very intersting. It explains how someone can change from good to bad or bad to good. The quote comes from their rule or idea of self realization. You should and need to become yourslef in while you have outside forces acting upon you which are society. If you become who you should be and lsiten to oneself within, the outcome will be good since God is present within everyone. I think that this quote is actually something that people can learn from even if their not transcendentalist.

Unknown said...

"A man should learn to detectand watch the gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more then the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet his dismisse with out notice his thought, becauseit is his." This quote is all knowledge begins with self knowledge. The quote is describing the knowlege or truth that a person will become aware of yet ignore it just because it doesn't conform to their society or some else doesn't agree with them.