Monday, November 3, 2008

Response to CH 7-9

What is your personal response to Ch 7-9. Please use two vocab words and sentence pattern #7.


Unknown said...

The book seems to be very slow moving to me. I feel as though nothing has happened until the sixth chapter.

Lenina is very INIMICAL to bernard. She seems to be rude to him and not consider his feelings. #7 Since she was very rude and since she was not MUNIFICENT, Bernard starts to not like her.

Bernard is a very good guy in the book. He actually acts like a normal human being. He doesn't at like a clone. Bernard has feelings for things and can deal with them without using soma. I have great respect towards Bernard and hope he pushes for his human rights.

Anonymous said...

I though Chapters seven through nine were more intreresting than the prvious chapters. The DENIZENS of the Savage Reservation were described to be crazy and DOWDY in the eyes of their society. I felt bad for John the son of the director who grew up on the reservation. [7] Since he was excluded from activities, and since his mother reputation reflected on him, he was an outcast. Like Bernard and i thinkt hats why bernard finds hismelf drawn to John. John's mom seems really crazy and i dislike her. I think the book will get ebtter from now on. Anmd i am excited to see what happens when John is exposed to Bernards society in London.

Anonymous said...

Chapters 7-9 were very interesting. It's odd to read Lenina considering parts of our everyday life CENSURABLE like religion, marriage, and child birth.[#7] Since she was conditioned to hate the way of life there and since she had never seen anyone aged or diseased before, it was a horrifying experience for her. However, it's not exactly pleasant seeming to us either, since we live in a world that's more or less middle ground.

I appreciated Bernard being ENTHRALLED by this world. Indeed, for him it would be refreshing to be around other people of a similar mindset after never before being able to. However, I find it unfortunate that he uses the Savage for revenge and personal gain in the "Brave New World". I would have hoped he would be better then that.

Oh, and adore John and his recitation of Shakespeare. :)

Unknown said...

The book is exactly opposite of our society today. I think it is interesting how the only people who are not clones live in a very SLOVENLY place. #7 Since they bear their own children and since they practice religion, they are considered savages. Bernard actually appreciates these practices. He is RECONDITE compared to the other clones because of his individuality. I think that Bernard should join up with John and help to bring clones back to being separate people. I think they would be much happier in a society like ours. There would be no need for soma anymore!

Anonymous said...

When Bernard and Lenina are itroduced to the world of the "savages", they are at once curious and repulsed. In their eyes, having a child is an IGNOBLE practice, but is widely practiced on the reservation. When Bernard is introduced to the character John, he is extremely curious about him and asks him to relate to him as much of his life as he can remember. With much ELAN, he suggests that John return with them to the "Other Place".

Unknown said...

I really enoyed these chapters. The knew charicter John, a DENIZEN of the reservation, is very interesting. (Snt. 7)Since his mother had lived outside the reservation and never made cloths she and John were very DOWDY. I can't wait to see what happens for him and his mother. I hope the author doens't kill John off, i would be sad. Mabye he'll end up with Lenina or will Marx?

Unknown said...

by the way that was Amanda C

Anonymous said...

I am starting to understand the book better, finally. I am no longer too NONPLUSSED. In New Mexico Lenina and Bernard are EXTRANEOUS. They feel like outsiders. I'm not sure how I would feel about that. (7) Since the book is starting to make more sense, it should be getting better. I am anticipating to read more.

Unknown said...

I am beginning to understand A Brave New World better after reading chapters 7-9. One part that was ENIGMATIC for me was the end of Chapter 9. (7) Because there was no name mentioned and because there was no description of the character, it was difficult for me to AVER who it was that is in love with Lenina. I assumed that it was John because he was reciting Shakespeare and becase Bernard was in the helicopter at the end, but one can never be sure.

Unknown said...

I feel as though the book is finally ACCRUING. When they go to the reservation, the see a boy being whipped in a pile of snakes and this mortifies Lenina. John also pieces together that Thomas, the director is his father. However he does not say anything about this. In these chapters, Bernard also tells John to not fall in love with the other world until he sees it. I think this displys that Bernard is a very nice guy and doesnt look highly upon human cloning. On the helicopter going back to the New World, John sees LEnina laying on the bed and has extreme CUPIDITY totouch touch her. S.P. #7 Because he hesitated and because Bernard walked in, John did not get a chance to touch her.

Unknown said...

#7 When they think of savages and when they look at the old ways of life they are dumb founded. There is not a big difference in the people the clones see as savages as we saw the Indians. I think we tend to MITIGATE this period of time because it makes America look bad. I think it is an INFRACTION that these people who don't follow the customs of everyone else they are outcasts. The way Lenina doesn't want to socialize with these people angers me. It is as if she is brain washed into thinking her type of people are much mre superior.

Audrey said...

In these chapters a lot of "eye opening" has taken place for Bernard and Lenina.[sp7] Sinse they have grown up thinking their way of life is the right way and sinse this culture is very different from their own, this experience was very different for them. Experiencing the tribs culture was much harder for Lenina. She didn't have any soma to SATIATE herself with. Bernard eventually seemed to get a little more comfortable. He also conected with the character John in these chaptes. They are both EXTRANEOUS in thier cultures. At the end of the chapters, Bernard even invites John to go back to London with him.

Anonymous said...

Brave New World is very interesting but some parts I seem to drift into confusion with everything that's going on.

Lenina seems to really suffer in chapters 7-9 when attempting to face harsh realities. Since she had no soma and since she was afraid, Lenina desperatly tried to block out the brutal nature of the "savages". When Lenina doesn't want to think about beliefs other than what was drilled into her, she uses her soma to miltigate the unwanted thoughts. I felt bad for her as she experienced total helplessness.

Bernard on the other hand is facinated by the reservation. He finds the actions of the people there are redoubtable and at the same time he cannot help but feel repulsed. Bernard had also been progamed to a certain point and is sickned, like Lenina, at the blood and lack of hygiene at the reservation. I'm excited to see what happens next. Perhaps Lenina will start to understand Bernard's point of view.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to label my sentence pattern. It's the second sentence in the second paragraph.

Emily G said...

I was really surprised that Bernard and Lenina found Linda, the girl who the Director had lost on the Savage Reservation years ago. I feel bad for her since she has committed an INFRACTION in both her old society and in the savage one. I think she is in a VULNERABLE position because she hasn't forgotten her old society's ways and because she can't assimilate into the savage society. I thought it was really interesting to see how the modern society of Lenina and Bernard combined with the savage society in Linda. I also noticed those two societies are the opposite extremes of ours. On one hand, there's the PUNCTILIOUS, perfect, yet opposite society from ours, and on the other hand, there's the poor, savage society on the Reservation, with our society today in the middle. I just thought that was interesting.

Unknown said...

This book is very entertaining, if not very interesting also! I love the opposite reactions of Bernard and Lenina about the women nursing their babies.#7 Since they were viviparious and since they birthed children, they were considered abnormal by Lenina's and Bernard's society. Bernard is ENTHRALLED by the very intimate action, while Lenina thinks the whole reservation is an IGNOBLE practice. I also liked how John is beginning to have feeling for Lenina, I wonder how she will react to his emotions, haha!

Unknown said...

I have really enjoyed this book so far, even though it is far-fetched and twisted. I think Huxley has fascinating ideas way beyond his time.

I was a little disappointed by the savages, nonetheless. I thought they would resemble more of people we see in our world today (or at least of the 30's, in Huxley's time) and not as actual savages. I don't even blame Lenina for being so SQUEAMISH at the Reservation. [7] Since the savages were so SLOVENLY and since their rituals were so strange (whipping young men for their blood and competing for the most circuits?!), for once I did not blame Lenina for being relient on her soma. Even I might want to be hullucinating at a place such as that.

Even though I was little let down by how the savages were portrayed, I still think this book is very good. I am enjoying it!

Taylor said...

The book has amazingly kept my attention so far. Most English books or short stories usually loose my interest from the very beginning.

It was interesting how the residents of the savage reservation were actual Native American type people. Since the novel has been referring to our current lifestyle and since the characters in the novel find our world unnatural, I found it weird that that the residents were not like us. It is almost as if the way we live is a heresy to theirs.

Bernard and Lenina are salient to the people that live on the reservation.

Unknown said...

Im not really enjoying this book much. As I read it, I cant help but to feel like it is a whole lot of PRATING about random, unimportant facts. #7 Since the book is set up in a confusing manner and since it is difficult to tell when characters are talking or thinking, I have read most the chapters twice over to make sure i get the GIST of the plot. I think when Bernard brings Linda and John back to the Other world that there will be a lot of BEDLAM. I think chapters 7 through 9 were more interesting than the first six, but i still feel the doesnt hold my attention well and is extremely confusing.

Unknown said...

This book causes much CONSTERNATION in me. It's so strange that things that we consider normal are the complete opposite for their normal in the book. In doing this though, it makes the book different and interesting. The children's PROVOCATIVE play, likings towards taking soma (a drug), not believeing in families or a specific language and religion is what the children are taught. These are all examples of the opposite lifestyle that people really have. I do think that this book is hard to understand at times and is very easy to get confused while reading. While reading, it requires my full attention to fully comprehend what's happening, unquestioning(#5). It also seems to be like the book is sort of slow paced but overall I'm not too bored with the book which is good. I'm interested to see where it ends up going in the end because right now I have no idea what so ever.

Unknown said...

I thought chapters 7-9 were intriging and sad. I felt horrible for John because he was not CENSURABLE and was yet treated unfaily. His mother was never there for him and he had to raise himself along with dealing with the prejudisim of the society. 7) Since he was always outcasted without reason and since no one ever really described the way society worked to him, he was left to try and decifer morals for himself and depict right from wrong. The other children always considered John DOWDY becuase his mother did not know how to mend clothes and always looked down upon and it made John feel isolated and lonly.

Unknown said...

These chapters were very interesting because it was all about the savage reserve. The worse part of the savage reserve is Lenina is there without any of her Soma. All of the people in the savage reserve are dressed dowdy and unlike the other civilization they age. That is one of the big things that surprises Lenina. The reserve is filled with disease and the people are vulnerable to getting sick very easily. That is what I thought about chapters seven through nine.