Monday, November 24, 2008

1940s connection to novel - Nov 24

Discuss ONE connection of the 1940s to Part I of the novel.


Unknown said...

One concept of the 1940's that is shown in 1984 is rations. Rations are daily amounts of something in fixed proportions. In 1984, they have rations on many items, such as chocolate. They only get a certain amount of chocolate everyday. During WWII in the 1940's, they also had rations that limited the amount of food they ate.

Anonymous said...

Another concept that carries from 1940's in propaganda. During the 1940 WW2 was going on. And on the website it said that many propaganda ads were played on radios, etc. In the book there is propaganda everywhere. I don't think it was as extreme as it is int he book. buit it is a concept that was going on, and usually happens in any time of war.

Taylor said...

One connection I noticed between the novel and the 1940s, was the architecture. On the website it explains how skyscrapers were developed during that decade and how simplicity and functionality was essential. The buildings were created and stood at extremely tall heights for the time, and since they were so tall, the architects wanted to keep the layouts as simple as possible.
This applies for the novel 1984 because they had very tall and modern buildings that still kept the simple and functional layouts.

Unknown said...

The novel 1984 is similar to the 1940's because of the wars. The 1940s had the vietnam war and the dropping of the bomb on hiroshima. In the novel 1984 Winston always talk about how the war is always going on and there is never a time that the war is over. A ton of fighting was going on in both decades. In the novel many rockets are just shooting randomly. Winston almpst gets hit by one on his walk to the store where he found the diary.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Calvin
One concept of the 1940's that is shown in 1984 is all the propaganda. Propaganda was used alot in the 1940's to promote the war and other impotant political things that affected the whole nation. In 1984 propaganda is on posters which are posted everywhere. "Big Brother is watching you" is a comon phrase in the book. Another propaganda phrase used in the book is "WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH." Propaganda is also spread by the telescreans that are everywhere!

Unknown said...

When Winston thinks about revolts in 1984 it reminds me about revolts in the 1940's. In the 1940's there were m,any revolts which were normally caused by rations of food. Also, they were caused by the war they were in which happened to be the biggest war in history at the time.

Unknown said...

A concept from the 1940's that is shown in 1984 is the use of rations. In the book there are rations on chocolate and razor blades. Because of World War II, there were rations on food starting in 1943. The 1940's was also the decade when television became available to the public. Perhaps this is where George Orwell got the idea for the telescreen.

Anonymous said...

Something I noticed in part one of the novel that connected to the events of the 1940s was an ongoing war. A specific detail that stuck out to me was the bombings, and the constant threat of being bombed. When Winston is taking a stroll in the prole neighborhoods, someone yells to get down, and he does so just in time as a bomb dstroys a row of houses nearby. The idea of constant, absolute fear, I feel, is the connection.

Unknown said...

One concept used in the book that was also used in the 1940s wa rations. In 1984 they rationed chocolate, in the 1940s they also rationed food because World War 2 had begun.

Unknown said...

The idea of rations is clearly shown in the book as well as in the 1904's website. In the book, there are rations of chocolate and razor blades. The food rationing began in 1943. This was also during the time of WWII. Not only this, but food itself was being rationed. They were only allowed to eat a certain amount at a time.

Anonymous said...

Something similar to the book and the 1940's is how the clothing was rationed. They only get so many clothing coupons a year, making it almost impossible to have a good number of clothing. Also, much of the clothes are very over priced. This is one reasons why Winston doesn't buy pajamas.

Anonymous said...

Something that I realized both had was rations and and drives for much needed commodities. In 1984, they did this with electricty while the did it with tin in the 1940s. Both limited the consumption of the citizens due to the need of war supplies.

Unknown said...

The 1940's are similar to 1984 is the war type theme. There seems to be a certain way to act and everything is very structural. All the buildings are very dull and so are the people. If i had jusst come from a war i think i would be pretty boring too. War could tromatize people and thats how many of the characters act. People can be heard and watched and that could be a precaution because of the war. Everyone just seems to be on edge.

Audrey said...

One connection that i have made with 1984 and the 1940's is there is a lot of war. The 1940's was when World War II was occuring. In 1984, Winston talks about the city of London to also be at war.

Emily G said...

One connection between the 1940's and 1984 is propoganda. The website mentioned that propoganda for the war and other ads were played on radios all the time. Similarly, in 1984, propoganda supporting the Party and Big Brother is constantly played on the telescreens which are everywhere in higher-level homes and jobs.

Unknown said...

one connection I have found so far in the book to the 1940's was that they refer to a lot of things as a "victory" item. In American History, we just learned about victory gardens. These were backyard gardens that were named victory gardens to make people think they could help out in the war without actaully fighting. It was a way of rationing food to save for the war. I have found that in 1984 they refer as a lot of things as victory. One of these things was the cigarettes. I think they might do this becuase it gives the effect that whatever the item is is an important item. There are many other things in the book that relate to the 1940's, but this is one that I noticed the most.

Unknown said...

Something that gives away that the novel was written in the 40's was the development of "sky scrapers." Even though these sky scrapers are no where near as all as today's 100 story sky scrapers, there were still buildings of decent height. One building, being described as very tall, was 300 meters tall. That certainly isn't much today, but this was a breakthrough height in the 1940's.

Unknown said...

Even though pretty much everyoen has said the connection between war and the book, that is the idea that stuck out to me the most. In the 1940's WWII was a big ongoing war with bombings and people in fear for their lives or the people around them. In the book people are scared of the same things and war is commonly on their minds. Because os this, war really relates to both the 1940"s and the bokk 1984.

Unknown said...

one concept of the 1940's that can be seen in the book 1984 is the propaganda. In the 1940's it wa uncle sam wants you and in 1984 the broadcasting constantly shares propagandistic news that supports there wars