Friday, January 9, 2009

Leadership in WD - Jan 9

Important Leadership ideas and quotes:


Unknown said...

1. Hazel develops into a Chief Rabbit:
-At first, Hazel was modest and did not consider himself to be the Chief Rabbit. He knew he was the natural leader of the group, but it was not until he developed the skills of a great leader and defeated Elfrafa.

2. Hazel had everyone's trust and respect.
-Since Hazel was charismatic and accepted his fellow rabbit's ideas, all of the other rabbits respected him and trusted all of his decisions.

"I actually began to wonder whether you knew where you were going...I thought you were making it up. I chould have known better. Frithrah, you're what I call a Chief Rabbit" (57).

Anonymous said...

1. Hazel has a lot of power, but not enough power over his people to be considered a dictator. Hazel is not a dictator because he doesn't control every aspest of his followers lives.

2. Having physical strength is also an imoprtant characteristic of a leader. Hazel shows that he can fight throughout the book. His physical strength is displayed in his fighting.

"Hazel thought quickly. If the fox were not too close, all they had to do was run. There was a woodland nearby and they could vanish into it, keeping more or less together, and simply continue on their way" (283).

Unknown said...

Physical Strength-
Hazel has to be physically sound to make it look as though he is not worried about any of the troubles he and the others face. Since they look up to him as a leader, they would be afraid if he was.

Hazel's determination causes him to take major risks but in the end everything works out for the rabbits.

Taylor said...

1.) Hazel, as a leader, had to make quick decisions. When the group was in a time of crisis, Hazel was the one that thought quickly. He knew exactly what to do and what would be of the best interest of the group.

2.) Hazel was mentally strong, as well as being physically strong. He was courageous most of the time, and even when he wasn't, he maintained equanimity.

"Although he had no idea what Hazel had in mind, Bigwig was fascinated by the strength and courage."